Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Rules of Office (Cube) Decor

So it comes time in every office worker's life that the cube seems bare. To trudge to work every morning just to look at an empty, purple tackboard and some green felt covered storage units gets very dull. What's a girl to do? Decorate, of course!
Okay, so now what? What's acceptable? Obviously I don't want obscene beer pong pictures of me all over my wall, but what about a frisbee? Is that weird? I think not, but who knows? I remember my mother used to have framed pictures, artwork, some memorabilia from clients, etc. But then again, she'd been working there for fifteen years. I am but a wee summer intern. Obviously I don't want to deck out my cubical with posters - this isn't my bedroom. It doesn't help that the intern before me didn't decorate at all, and all that was on the walls when I came in was a checklist, a certificate of participation in a company event, two calendars (one has a Pooh picture over every month - the previous intern informed me that was not his), and a dartboard with competitors on it. In effect, it was barren. Incredibly depressing. I literally had thought no one was working there before me. I decided this would be unacceptable for the whole summer.
I started small; today I brought three photos in individual stands of me with friends and my boyfriend and my UCLA Football Mr. Potato head to put on my desk, a little bear in a bee costume with magnetic hands to stick to a cabinet that says "Bee Mine" on its chest, a small wooden m that has my name written on it and a motivating sign that says "the best was to predict your future is to create it" to tack on the tackboard, and my "Princess Maya" mini umbrella from Disneyland and a disc to put somewhere, once I figure that out. It's the little things that make me smile!
So it occured to me that one might be reading names from now on, so I will introduce some important people in my life (basically, the ones in the pictures on my desk). First, my boyfriend's name is Alex; we've been dating for almost four years. Second, my best girlfriend Priyanka, or Pri, from high school. Third, my best guy friends, Peter and Chris, also from high school. Now, in case I ever need to use those names, all my loyal readers will understand who I am talking about.
Again, thanks for reading. I'd love to hear what you have to say, or any experiences you have had in the workplace, or life in general.


  1. My desk varies in decor based on how likely I am to walk out of a job. The closer I am to leaving, the less I have on my desk. Right now, I have a stack of tech books, a stack of mini Playdoh jars, a lawn gnome, two hedgehogs, an Enterprise NX-01 (Star Trek) and a postcard of the Tesla Roadster.

  2. I am very flattered. You should adorn your desk with the type of crap I have on my desk: gas mask and gas mask filter. Oh yea. Also, a lot of loose change-mostly in worthless pennies and nickels. Quarters are really the only coins worth having. And I don't seem to have any.
