Monday, December 20, 2010

A New Take on Sweating

If any of you have ever worked out with me, you'll know I'm a sweater. As in, I sweat easily, not like an article of clothing. No big deal, really. I get a few odd stares when people first see it, but it's just how it is. Genetics, I guess. Yet when I'm around people I don't know, such as at the gym, it is sort of embarrassing. I mean, when you picture people sweating heavily, you (or at least, I) picture overweight people who are working really hard to do something. It doesn't help that I'm really white and get red quite easily. By now I'm old enough to just tune it out - it really is mostly in my head, but I still feel that twinge of self-consciousness once in a while. After my kickboxing class today, I go to the front desk to get my pass on my way out. The young woman working there says, "Wow, you look like you had a great workout!" I respond, "yeah, I did!" She says, "I wish I could sweat that much when I work out." I stare blankly at her, not sure how to respond. She says "Oh, it's that kickboxing class, huh? It gives you that good of a workout?" I say, "Well, um, yeah, I mean, it's intense, I get really into it, you should give it a try!" She says, "Yeah, I definitely will."

Wait, so a girl is actually envious of my sweaty, red face, and wants to achieve that herself? And she might actually take my advice to doing it? I think it's time to start feeling good about sweating a lot, and take pride in the fact that I'm working hard to get there.

On a semi-related note, going primal has gone well. I felt bad a night or two ago because I sorta cheated. I pretty much got down on a cup's worth of dried cranberries, and would have kept going if there were any more left in the bag. Now, that's a ton of carbs. Feeling dejected, I tell a friend about this at breakfast the next day. He responds with something along the lines of, "Wait, you feel bad for eating some dried fruit?" Good point, I think. Another perk of following this lifestyle - "cheating" involves eating things that aren't too bad for you, but are still delicious. Also, I recently discovered that if I really feel pressured to and/or I want to, I can get away with having some alcohol. Wine is ideal, but if I skip all the fruity fillers, hard alcohol is definitely okay. All in all, I still feel great, and I've lost over 2 pounds already. I hereby deem Primal Week 1 a success! Oh yeah, and I don't miss bread yet. Nope, seriously, I don't. Now get those gingerbread cookies out of my face.

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