Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Corporate Lunch

Today I went to have lunch at a nearby salad bar type restaurant (like Fresh Choice). It was quite tasty. I was surrounded by other office types, wearing various badges indicating their place of work. I got some stares - obviously I look young to be working at a desk already. It made me think. I have been avoiding the cafeteria because I believe I'd look and consequently feel so out of place. Now, I'm not asking for a welcome wagon, or anything, but I remember the previous intern telling me how he never really talked to anyone in the office. And really, they are all much older than I am, or at least at a different place in their lives. They talk about kids, marriage, excercise, recipies. I'm not yet ready for that to be the stuff I talk about! I have other interests - in fact, last night I stayed up late trying to learn how to play a song that Chris wrote on the guitar. My manager was telling me just this morning how happy she was that her daughter goes to bed early because she gets so tired from summer camp. Now I'm happy to talk about these things sometimes, but they only serve to remind me how young I am, and how my friends and I do NOT talk about that stuff. Sure, we don't really talk about anything more important, but at least it pertains to my life. Basically, I'm not sure I'll be having a very social lunch schedule in the future. Good thing that salad place is so good!

1 comment:

  1. Work at a startup and you won't have any of those problems. I'm so sick of hearing about how my coworkers were at yet another "off the hook" underground party *rolleyes*. Why can't someone talk about the opera with me?!
