Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Little Girl's First Business Meeting!

Yesterday I got the opportunity to join a business meeting, both in person and via conference calling. It was a simple review of the status of the project I'm helping out with, and I'm not really sure how necessary I really was, but I gave some input and took notes on what I would need to do in the future. I must say, it was incredible exciting! I am now sure that is the method I would like to lead meetings when I am a manager - anyone in the area comes to a room, and if people far away are necessary they can call in to join. We even used a projector to display my manager's desktop on a wall so that all could see the presentation we were working on and input directly to the slides. It honestly felt very similar to some discussion sections I've had for school. The host asked questions regarding the slides, and people would input, then discuss someone's opinion. It was great! Okay, the content was a little dry, and it was late in the afternoon, but I was still having a good time. I felt important, and that's matters a lot to this little girl. When it's so easy to get intimidated by Business People (in caps for emphasis), it's nice to have a chance to be on a somewhat equal footing with them. Or at least respected as the intern that will be consolidating all their information. Whatever. Moving on up!
Tomorrow I go to a huge conference regarding what my company deals with in San Francisco. I am very excited. There should be booths by various other companies (gotta be sneaky when checking out the competition!) and seminars where really important people in the technology community are interviewed about different things, from where they see solar technology in 20 years to how to best invest in today's markets. I'm not sure it'll be terribly exciting, but I feel as if I should take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. Plus, I'm pretty sure I get paid to walk around a tech show in San Francisco all day. I'm going with two coworkers as well, so I'll get to foster company interaction. I'm sure I'll write something about it soon, so stay tuned!

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